Guest post by Idara Hampton Overlooking the laundry room is easy to do. It’s not the place where you eat, watch TV, or sleep. The laundry room is the small space in your house that you may visit once a week for a few minutes at a time between shows you’re binge-watching. It’s all about practicality. Wash. Dry. Repeat. Not very sexy is it? But it can be a charming little area if given the right attention. There’s no need to sacrifice style for function. You can have them both. After all, even neglected, tiny rooms need love. The challenge is coming up with a beautiful design that makes you beam with pride using a limited amount of space. Don’t despair, it’s easy to do with the right materials on hand. Making the most of chic storage solutions, vibrant colors, and beautiful flooring can take your laundry room to another level. You may not even recognize it when you’re done. Dare we say that you might even start looking forward to laundry day? Don’t be surprised if you find yourself getting sucked in by the hypnotic pull of your amazing, updated laundry room. Forget about fighting off the urge. It’s in your nature. A moth must go to the flame as you must go to your newly tricked out laundry room. What You Need to Consider First is how do you make a small laundry room work for you? First, you must assess your space. You want it to be efficient, super-organized, and functional. It should also be a well-designed area since you’ll do a good bit of bending, lifting, and turning in this space. Consider the size of your family as well. What that in mind, take a moment to look at your space and really think about what you need to do to make it as easy to maneuver in as possible. Consider the amount of laundry you have, the amount of space you can utilize, and what supplies you will need to store in your room. Give it some time. Rome wasn’t built in a day. A large family may require a few more trips than a small size one. It will make the difference between handling those loads of socks, underwear, and jeans daily or weekly. A well-equipped laundry room will simplify the process for you. You will need to consider how to fit in the laundry essentials you keep on deck. Think about where you’d like to store your supplies. Most likely you will do your folding and sorting in this space. Perhaps you need an area set aside to dry wet clothes or to iron the wrinkles out of your favorite shirt. Think about the kinds of racks and rods you’ll use to dry delicates and hang items that have been pulled from the dryer. These 15 laundry room ideas for maximizing a small space will show you some of the best storage ideas, organization solutions, and decorating tricks to transform your lackluster laundry space into a serene oasis of jaw-dropping beauty. Idea 1: Hide Your Washer and DryerMaybe you don’t have the fanciest washer and dryer and you’d rather not cast your eyes on them every time you get ready to do a load. Or what if you like your washing machines but you simply don’t want them out in the open for the world to see? If you don’t care for seeing your washing machines exposed like this there are creative ways to cover them. Not everyone wants a washer or dryer within their line of sight. Remedy this by hiding them. Use a simple tension rod and curtain to conceal your equipment. It gives you the added benefit of being able to infuse your space with more color, texture, and personality. Adding a sliding door is another great option for keeping your laundry machines tucked neatly away in a closet-sized space. Idea 2: Make the Most of ColorUse Neutral Colors. Neutrals are great for adding a touch of class to your laundry room. Various shades of white, gray, and earth tones are a safe bet because they go well with a many style options. Plus, you can always throw in a dash of color to brighten things up without worrying about the color being too overwhelming. Get Cheerful with Pops of Color. If you’re feeling a bit more adventurous, why not try out different colors? You can experiment with different designs. Paint the walls, the floors, and cabinets to suit your style. Look who’s getting fancy with the brushwork. Add a bold pop of vibrant color to a drab laundry room by painting on some cool designs. The great thing about paint is that you can always paint over the design if you’re not happy with it. Take a closer look and you’ll see that the artist drew a stencil first before adding that very bright yellow to the wall. You may want to do the same to avoid unnecessary mistakes so you’ll end up with a paint job you can be proud to show off. Using chalk paint is a great option if you’re short on time because you won’t have to prime anything before getting started. Get really creative and add stencil designs to your paint job. Go online and get some adorable vinyl decals to add visual interest. Keep Things Calm With Blue. Did you know there’s evidence that says that most people feel calm when surrounded by the color blue? Wouldn’t it be lovely to walk into your laundry room to take a break from the chaos and be enveloped in a sea of serenity? Taking care of your family’s laundry is a dirty business – literally, so why not make it as pleasant and peaceful as you possibly can? Idea 3: Organize Your Laundry RoomUse Jars to Spruce Up the Vibe. Put your laundry pods and powder detergent in glass containers with scoops to make a cute décor statement. If you have liquid detergent it’s better to place it in a drink dispenser like this one from Estilo. It holds a gallon of liquid and comes with a leak-free spigot. Store them on open shelves to take in the visual glory. Open shelves above machines take up less space than cabinets. They’re perfect for narrow rooms. No open shelves? No problem. Place the jars on top of a front-loading washer. This is a great way to free up limited cabinet space. Look at this beauty. A front-loading washer that’s ready to handle all your laundry needs. This is the type of washer that’s perfect for placing jars on top of. Imagine having to lift a heavy jar full of detergent off a top-loading washer every time you had to do a load. Not so appealing is it? You’d never have that problem with this gem. If you get a large jar, you’ll be able to fit a couple of boxes of detergent in there at a time. Make sure you keep the jars out of the reach of your kids’ little rambling fingers. Add labels to avoid getting confused with your new fancy array of powders and liquids on display, use labels so you know exactly what you’re reaching for. When you’re in a rush it could be easy to mistake bleach for your regular liquid detergent. There goes your precious black pencil skirt. Labeled jars, baskets, and bins will make you feel so pulled together – like a mini Martha Stewart – minus the jail time. Give chalkboard labels a go. With one swipe, you can rewrite labels as needed. Idea 4: Start a Lost & Found BoxThe best way to keep everything in tip-top shape is to have a spot for every item in your laundry room. Create a specific area to keep small items that could easily get lost. This small box with a clasp is perfect for putting small items in that can easily get lost. Use an adorable little box for little items that need a home so they don’t turn up missing. Now you’ll have a place to store items that otherwise might go missing. Isn’t it odd how socks know exactly how to disappear into thin air? It’s like Houdini came back to taunt you with one of his amazing vanishing acts. But don’t fret. Now you will have a place to stash your precious socks and other small items. Idea 5: Maximize Your StorageGet the most use out of a small space by using a customized cubby above your washer and dryer. It’s a great way to store your necessary cleaning supplies or to stash dirty clothes. You can also add instant storage by using wooden craft crates. Get creative and spray paint them your favorite color. Or you could buy craft crates with a chalkboard feature that lets you write on them. This three-pack of craft crates from My Gift comes in different sizes for your various needs. Speaking of creative, how fun would it be to repurpose a small bookshelf by turning it into a smart built-in storage piece? finish reading the article at this link if you are interested in more laundry room ideas!
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July 2024
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