s Fall begins many of us are reminded of the New Year’s resolutions we made in January, be it to go to the gym more often, work less, or the dreaded get organized resolution.
We make these promises to ourselves with the best of intentions but end up getting sidetracked with our busy lives and our motivation wains. What we all need is a little encouragement and help! It is a proven fact that if our live and work spaces are well-organized we will live a more productive life. Or as Gretchen Rubin, author of the best-selling Happiness Project puts it “outer order contributes to inner calm. ” Seems easy enough but just how can we accomplish this? We have found this process to be helpful so keep clam and carry on... 1. First identify the problem: Simply state “I’m un-organized and I need to do something about it. ” Take a deep breath and be proud of yourself for taking the first step. This may sound a little silly but trust me it works. 2. Make a list of what you would like to accomplish (one small area at a time). For example you may want to clean up and organize your desk. First get rid of unnecessary times, then group things by type (i.e paper, office supplies, binders etc.) then you can put them away accordingly. You may need bins or drawers inserts or cabinets so make a list and measure to get the most optimized results. 3. Do it now: Don’t wait! Make it a point to start organizing and de cluttering today. You can start with a small project such as organizing the “junk drawer” or simply tiding up your space by putting unused things away but just start. This success with give you courage to move on to the next (larger) project. 4. Get help: For many this can be an overwhelming task. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you just can’t seem to get started on your own ask a friend for support. Or hire a professional organizer. We actually enjoy doing this and they may be able to help get the job done in half the time. A good book to consult is “If I could just get organized” By Karen Jogerst 5. Enjoy the process and keep your goals in site. Though this might be challenging but try to focus on the progress you’re making not what you have left to do. Put on music, pour a glass of wine whatever will make the process more enjoyable and have fun with it! 6. Reap the benefits: Acknowledge what you have accomplished and realize that living an organized life is a journey not a destination. Top 15 things to get rid of or donate now: 1. DVDs you have watched and won’t watch again 2. Cushions, pillows or bedding that have lost their plumpness or are worn (TIP – If you love the cushion then you can re-fill with a faux down feather insert which will give it new life) 3. Clothes that don’t flatter you or that no longer look their best – either worn out or misshaped 4. Junk mail / old paperwork that is piling up 5. Hair or personal products you never use 6. Old used up pens 7. Greetings cards from past events (keep only those that are truly sentimental) 8. Shoes that hurt when you wear them 9. Out of date newspapers or take out menus 10. Used candles where the wick has worn down and can’t be lit again 11. Tupperware or plastic storage containers with missing lids 12. Children’s outside play equipment or Outside furniture that is faded, broken or past its best 13. Decorating / DIY supplies that you don’t require in your home (fixtures that you have since removed, old wallpaper etc…) 14. Excess loose change – gather it up and get it to Coinstar or donate it 15. Excess coat hangers (especially the wire ones!) Good luck and we hope you enjoy your new more organized surroundings! “You leave old habits behind by starting out with the thought, ‘I release the need for this in my life’.”–Wayne Dyer
July 2024
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